Smoked Fried (Smokifried) Buffalo Wings - These smacked so damn hard!
1 package “Smoky Buffalo Wings” from Wild Fork Foods (If using regular wings, be sure to season liberally with rub of your choice)
2 tablespoons Kosmos Q “Dirty Bird”
½ cup Franks Red Hot
¼ stick of unsalted butter
2 tablespoons white vinegar
4 cups peanut/vegetable/corn oil
Season your wings with Kosmos Q Dirty Bird. You can skip this step as they are seasoned, but it definitely adds a little extra something. Place your wings on the smoker at 250 and let them smoke for an hour.
While your wings smoke, place a small sauce pot on the stove at medium heat. Mix ½ cup Frank Red hot with ¼ stick of butter and 2 tablespoons white vinegar. Set buffalo sauce mix aside.
Preheat oil to 375 degrees. After an hour, remove the wings from the smoker. If there is any moisture on skin, pat them dry with a paper towel. Working in batches, fry wings 2-3 minutes or until nice and crispy.
Place fried wings in a bowl and pour buffalo sauce mix over the tip. Toss to combine and cover each wing. Serve with homemade blue cheese dressing!